Green Energy Notes
GREEN Energy Solutions integrated with ElecTech Contracting’s expertise in the electrical and technology industries provide your business with a powerful solution to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. GREEN Energy equals a GREEN Budget; saving energy is our business and your goal.
Our GREEN Energy Efficiency services include LED and High Efficiency Lighting, Energy Audits, Return-On-Investment ROI (ROI) Reports, Alternative Energy Solutions, Energy Saving Designs, and more.
GREEN Energy can be more than just saving energy, it can save you $$ GREEN $$.
- Newer technology lighting can provide increased employee morale, better security, and enhanced visual appeal for your products and your facility.
- Utility company incentives & rebates, and government incentives can save money and cut upfront expenses.
- Longer product life cycles lower operating costs and lower maintenance costs.
- Lower operating costs and lower maintenance costs save operational expenses.
The above before and after pictures show a warehouse in Mechanicsburg, PA in which ElecTech upgraded the building’s existing older, inefficient lighting. New T5 High Output fluorescent light fixtures were installed which provide a reduction of energy usage, a higher quality of light output and better color rendering than the original lighting had provided. The new lighting lends better appeal to the warehouse space for tenants looking to lease, a safer working environment for employees as well as the reduction of costs for the owner, providing a winning solution for everyone.
What is ACT129? – ACT129 of 2008 is a House Bill passed in cooperation with the Public Utility Commission. The enacted bill provides requirements for the electrical utility companies to lower their electrical demand by 1% by May 31, 2011, and 3 percent by May 31, 2013. Phase I of Act129 is set to expire on May 31, 2013. Phase II of Act129 is set to begin June 1, 2013 and continue through May 31, 2016. ACT129 program provide incentives to customers of electrical utility companies for completing GREEN Energy projects.
ElecTech is a trade ally partner with PP&L and Met-Ed, the two largest electrical utility providers in our area. A trade ally relationship provides us with direct access to utility representatives and ACT129 program incentives for GREEN Energy Solutions. The incentive programs offered by these utility providers are designed to save you money on your business’ GREEN Energy projects. Partnering with ElecTech provides your project with a GREEN Energy trade ally to work hand-in-hand with your electrical utility to provide you the incentives available through the Act129 programs.